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Do Solar Panels Work on Cloudy Days?

On Grid Solar System in Kerala

Solar energy is the most abundant energy on earth. And experts believe that harnessing solar energy will play a key role in solving the world’s energy problems. One of the best ways to capture solar energy is through a system of solar panels.
Solar panels collect a tiny fraction of the 173,000 terawatts of solar energy that the sun continuously delivers. That’s about 10,000 times more than the total energy consumption of the world! Solar photovoltaic (PV) panels generate the most energy per square meter when they receive direct sunlight.
But what happens when it’s cloudy?
Depending on the cloud formation, not all light will be blocked from entering the earth’s surface. Although sunlight is important in solar panel output levels, another important factor is radiation. Solar radiation is the main source of energy solar panels use to convert to electricity, and will still cut through cloud layers. Solar cells are made to capture a broad range of the solar spectrum and will continue to convert the sun’s energy into electricity during cloudy days. When clouds block out the sun, your solar panels will still produce clean electricity. This is true even in the wintertime.
Solar panels harness both visible light and infrared light in order to create usable electricity:
Even during the greyest days, visible light still gets through rain and clouds. After all, the sky isn’t completely black—it’s just several shades darker. Infrared light gets through even more easily because it has longer wavelengths than the visible spectrum does. This is why we’re able to see distant galaxies using infrared telescopes, despite all of the interstellar dust spanning the many light-years in between.
Even if solar panels only used ultraviolet light, they would still be able to generate electricity during cloudy days. If you’ve ever gotten sunburned on an overcast afternoon, you understand this concept intuitively.
Could adverse weather conditions damage solar panels?
The panels are built to be extremely strong. They will withstand virtually anything that the weather is likely to throw at them. So, wind, rain and even hail are very unlikely to cause any damage. Extremely large hailstones may cause damage, but these are rare and are just as likely to damage your roof.
What happens to solar panels when it’s raining?
In addition to asking: do solar panels work on a cloudy day, what about on rainy days? Much that has been said about cloudy weather also applies to rainy days. The one big difference is that rain can actually be very beneficial for your energy output! The rain washes and cleans the dust, pollen and leaves off your panels. This in turn greatly improving efficiency when the sun shines again. Clean panels turn out the most electricity!
Rooftop Solar Panels in Kerala

Though solar panel systems will not work for every household, those with unshaded rooftops can benefit greatly from a solar power system. Not only can you produce enough electricity to power your own home, you may even be able to sell electricity back to the grid. And yes, solar panels will work on cloudy days.


  1. I agree that that solar panel systems don't work for every household, but those with unshaded rooftops can benefit greatly from a solar power system. With the help of solar energy system, you produce enough electricity to power your own home, you may even be able to sell electricity back to the grid.

  2. It is a common myth that cloudy days won't produce Solar energy even when there are cloud's sunlight is present and hence the generation is there but not up to the mark. Solar companies do inform consumers about this limitation.


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