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Solar Power Products for Homes and Organisations


Solar Power Products in Kerala
Solar Panels:
A solar power plant is based on the conversion of sunlight into electricity, either directly using photovoltaics (PV), or indirectly using concentrated solar power (CSP). Concentrated solar power systems use lenses, mirrors, and tracking systems to focus a large area of sunlight into a small beam. Photovoltaics converts light into electric current using the photoelectric effect.
Photovoltaics were initially solely used as a source of electricity for small and medium-sized applications, from the calculator powered by a single solar cell to remote homes powered by an off-grid rooftop PV system. As the cost of solar electricity has fallen, the number of grid-connected solar PV systems has grown into the millions and utility-scale solar power stations with hundreds of megawatts are being built. Solar PV is rapidly becoming an inexpensive, low-carbon technology to harness renewable energy from the Sun.

Solar Power Plant in Kerala


  • Solar energy is a truly renewable energy source
  • It Reduces Electricity bills
  • It can be used for diverse purposes
  • It has a low maintenance cost
  • Technology in the solar power industry is constantly advancing and improvements will intensify in the future. 

Solar Street Lights:
Solar street lights are raised light sources which are powered by photovoltaic panels generally mounted on the lighting structure or integrated into the pole itself. The photovoltaic panels charge a rechargeable battery, which powers a fluorescent or LED lamp during the night.
Solar street lights are designed to work throughout the night. Many can stay lit for more than one night if the sun is not available for a couple of days. 

Solar Street Light Kerala


  • Independent of the utility grid resulting to lessened operation costs.
  • Some parts are easily be carried to remote areas
  • Require less maintenance than conventional street lights
  • Environment-friendly 
Solar Water Heater:
A solar water heater is a device that can be used to capture sunlight in order to heat the water in your pipes to be used for baths, showers, etc.
It consists mainly of a thermal panel (solar collector) installed on the roof, a tank to store hot water and accessories, such as a circulating pump to carry the solar energy from the collector to the tank, and a thermal regulator.
Solar Water Heater in Kerala


  • It is a renewable and clean energy source.
  • Water can be heated on cloudy days too. The solar heater uses diffused energy in the atmosphere to heat the water.
  • You can reduce your carbon footprint.
  • Solar water heaters hardly require maintenance.
Solar Lantern:
Solar lantern is a well-known example for portable stand-alone solar electric system. It consists of all necessary components required for a stand-alone solar electric system in a single casing except the solar PV module. It consists mainly of an electric lamp, a battery and an electronic control circuit in a single casing. The solar PV module is the separated part of the lantern. We have to connect the solar PV module to the battery terminals of solar lantern for charging purpose.
Solar Lighting Solutions in Kerala

  • Zero energy costs
  • It includes no wire
  • Low maintenance
  • Easy to install
  • These lighting systems are available in prepackaged sets.


  1. Very good article, not only feel good, I nearby of all the friends all say this is a very good article,Believe that will see more such a good article to share. Powered garden lights

  2. Thank you for this Informative piece of content. Solar Power MA is an affordable solar panel system that can be installed anywhere. The Solar Power MA is a complete solution that includes a high efficiency solar panel, battery bank, charge controller, and inverter. This system provides clean energy 24/7 without any maintenance or worries about running out of electricity.


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